Our hhc Philosophy

At Eisai we give first thought to patients and people, and increase the benefits that health care provides to them; we call this human health care (hhc).

About human health care

For more than 30 years, we have been driven by our commitment to human health care (hhc) and the central belief that people come first, and we have a responsibility to listen and learn from them.

Through our human health care
- we seek to understand how people, patients, care partners, families and the society experience health care from their perspective – their joys, needs, wants, hopes and fears.
- we aim is to develop actions and strategies to support the unmet needs of patients, care partners and people.
- we strive to generate increased value to society.

human health care
Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale

hhc has been at the core of Eisai’s direction since its inception in the 1980s and it takes inspiration from the life of Florence Nightingale (1820 -1910), who made a huge and memorable contribution to the development of the nursing profession and to public health. Not only a pioneer in medicine, she also innovated in the realms of data visualisation and storytelling allowing for a more immediate understanding of complex issues. She was influential in connecting the therapeutic aspects of medicine with the patient in numerous areas.

As a company we feel we have the same values as Florence Nightingale; she had a dedicated, holistic view of health and well-being when working with the wounded in the Crimean war and her broad and patient focused approach meant that many soldiers survived. Our hhc logo is modelled on Florence Nightingale’s signature.

Living the concept

human health care is at the core of what we do, a filter of genuine concern for patients and people through which we see our work. It is why and how we do what we do. hhc helps us recognise that - at Eisai - we are here for a purpose. Every decision we make, every idea we explore, every improvement we pioneer is aimed at helping to improve people’s lives by putting hhc into practice.

All Eisai employees are encouraged to consider patients, their care partners and families in their everyday work. We do that by getting a better understanding of the experiences people, and healthcare professionals have on a daily basis. This isn’t an abstract idea; we are all expected to spend a minimum two days of our working year directly with people with lived experience of a condition.

people working together
human health care

hhc helps to focus and motivate all of us who work here at Eisai, whether we are researching potential new medicines, conducting studies, working in manufacturing or informing healthcare professionals about our medicines.